Predicting Chromosomal Abnormalities in IVF

Genetics 1 It is estimated that between 50 to 80 percent of embryos created for in vitro fertilization, IVF have a chromosomal abnormality and typically do not develop into a pregnancy, instead resulting in a miscarriage.
Scientists discovered that chromosomal abnormalities in human embryos created for IVF, can be predicted within the first 30 hours of development at the cell-1 stage which results from the union of a female egg and male sperm.
This discovery, published in the journal Nature Communications, could improve IVF success rates, which has hovered around 30 to 35 percent for numerous years worldwide. 
By looking at a single cell level, researchers were able to correlate the chromosomal make-up of an embryo to a subset of 12 genes that are activated prior to the first cell division. These genes likely came from the gametes – the eggs or sperm – and can be used to predict whether an embryo is chromosomally normal or abnormal at the earliest stage of human development.

