Dr. Kalina Hristova, PhD

Marlin U. Zimmerman Jr. Faculty Scholar; Professor
Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering
Baltimore, MD, USA

Hangout Title: "Dimerization and activation of receptor tyrosine kinases: insights from quantitative fluorescence studies"
Hangout Schedule: April 7th: 10.30 am EST, 9.30 am CST, 7.30 am PST


    Ph.D. 1994, Duke University
    M.S. 1988, University of Sofia
    B.S. 1987, University of Sofia


    2011 - Present:  Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
    2007 - 2011:  Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
    2001 - 2007:  Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
    1994 - 2001:  Post-doctoral Associate/Research Scientist, Physiology and Biophysics, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA
    1991 - 1994:  Research Assistant, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University, Durham, NC
    1988 - 1991:  Research Fellow, Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

Research Areas

    Structure, assembly, and function of biological membranes, including:
    Cell signaling
    Membrane cell biology
    Structure of membrane proteins
    Peptide–bilayer interactions
    Structure of membranes and lipid bilayers
    Membrane permeabilization
    Interfacial films
    Antimicrobial peptides
    Surface engineering
    Biosurface interactions


    2014:  Elected to Council, The Biophysical Society
    2011:  Chair, 2012 FASEB Research Conference (Molecular Biophysics of Cellular Membranes)
    2011:  Chair, 2012 Membrane Structure and Assembly
    2011:  Marlin U. Zimmerman Faculty Scholar, Whiting School of Engineering
    2007:  The Margaret Oakley Dayhoff Award, Biophysical Society
    2000:  Career Development Award, UC-Irvine
    1988:  Gold Badge of Scientific Merit, University of Sofia