Home Plant Biology Plant Biology Largest protein yet discovered builds algal toxins How plants make life-and-death decisions Symbiosis with rhizobia in legumes is regulated by oscillating gene expression Gene protecting plants from harmful metals in soil Active plant substance reduces pulmonary hypertension "Jumping gene" control mechanisms revealed Removal of excess chloride ions by plants when subjected to salt stress How do plants break down damaged cell components for recycling? A key protein in rhythmic stomatal movements identified! Plant wound signal that triggers regenerative responses identified! How plants mate for life and repel other suitors Mechanism of sugar signaling in plants Calcium link in plant immunity Regulation of plant immunity Developmental regulators coordinate root patterning and growth Controlling the direction of root growth Nitrate negatively affects floral scent and nocturnal pollination How plants respond to changing conditions Evolutionary trajectory of pattern recognition receptors in plants Manipulating chromatin modifier to enhance crop yield Viewing 1 of 12