Communication and Leadership

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Communication remains one of the fundamental tasks that any leader in an organization must effectively perform for achieving success. Businesses rarely succeed because of individual efforts. Organizations performing exceptionally associate their success with either a strong group or an excellently functional workforce. At the center of functional teams, there are great leaders with strong communications skills. Regardless of the level of expertise and commitment, groups will fail to achieve their goals if the information flow is affected. As a matter of fact, effective communication is only possible when information or an idea passed reach the intended person in the exact form and without any attenuation. Although emphasis should be placed on the ability of leaders to communicate data to followers, the information flow must be concurrent. The lack of a feedback makes the entire process irrelevant regardless of the effectiveness of the sender’s message. On the other hand, leadership can be said to be the process of bringing team members together for the purpose of achieving specific goals common to the entire group. The aim of the paper is to examine communication and leadership and ways in which they affect organizational effectiveness.

Change remains one of the key attributes that characterizes influential leadership. Leaders act as change agents when they transform an organizational strategy from good to the best one and help in the implementation of the new policy. As a result, the organizational leadership behavior and communication skills have a direct influence on actions of the workforce that implement the desired change. Organizations can only remain competitive and productive if they implement transformational changes regularly. Research indicates that one of the reasons why most companies find it difficult to implement change is the inability to make every person on board focus on achieving effective communication. Change can only be effective if the leadership appreciate the ability to engage in the process of implementing its various steps. Transformations require a shift from the normal order of things and bring discomfort to organization’s employees. The leadership has a duty to explain the need for change to the workforce, which can only happen through effective communication channels.

Regardless of the level of an organization, leaders have been known to impact and influence its effectiveness. Leadership or the behavior of leaders has a direct influence on the organization’s image, overall effectiveness, and performance. It remains critical in the hyper-competitive economy amplifying the need for leaders to appreciate how their behavior affects employees. The latter should trust the former following the vision and mission of the organization. In addition, employees expect consistency when pursuing and achieving the set goals. A direction the organization takes depends on leader’s concise and clear communication and the ability to inculcate orchestration and team building. A combination of a strong sense of efficacy and consistency in the course of action builds employees’ confidence and affects the ability of the organization to compete and prosper.

Reputation remains one of the intangible assets valued by companies that can or has generated sustainable core competencies. It must not be restricted to the external public but should involve internal employees. External positive reputation can enhance profitability by attracting and retaining new and loyal customers. It is possible through communication of leaders with the media based on emphasizing company’s achievements of the vision and mission. It ensures positive media coverage and improves investors’ trust. Good internal reputation enhances employees’ commitment to company’s goals, values, vision, mission, and objectives. The identification of an organization as a great employer fuels employees’ motivation, loyalty, and engagement, which in turn promotes superior task performance and boosts organizational effectiveness. Poor communication and leadership behavior degrades both internal and external reputation. On the other hand, the quality of leadership and management competence lead to a favorable organizational image.

At the time of the modern corporate economy, the success of firms depends significantly on the ability of the leadership to build trust within the organization and outside it. It should be one of the leadership strategic objectives, as well as the endeavor of employees. Effective communication is fundamental in the process of building trust. The environment of trust around leaders enables them to engage employees efficiently and bring ultimate results to the organization. Communication can be seen as a positioning agent and information passage necessary for overall performance and effectiveness. Moreover, trust creates value in a cutthroat competitive environment. Besides, leadership can be effective only in the atmosphere where trust thrives considering the difficulty in following someone considered untrustworthy. Although communication cannot make someone trust the leader, it aids in creating a culture where trust can thrive.

In conclusion, effective leadership in both small and huge businesses depends on the ability of leaders to communicate with all organizational stakeholders, including customers, employees, other managers, investors, and government officials among others. As a result, individual corporate groups require different leadership and communication styles. The ability of a leader to adapt and to be flexible when communicating information to separate groups differentiates great and exceptional leaders. Effective communication should characterize any leadership committed to building trust, enhancing organizational reputation, and implementing a transformational change in the organization. Trust, reputation and change determine firm’s competitiveness and the ability to establish sustainable competitive advantage necessary in the promotion of organizational effectiveness.

The essay was written by the professional writer Lola Nickson, more her articles you can find just simply following the link discussion board post writing service

