lolanickson's profile


Online now: Not online; last online 39 months ago (March 1st 2021, 10:31 AM)
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Time for them: 8:14 AM
Banned: No
Date of birth: Fri June 28th 1996


Posts: 2 posts (0.00 per day, 0.00% of all)
Most active forum: Website comment topics, 2 posts (100% of member's posts)
Last submit time: 1,218 days ago

lolanickson has posted in the following topics.

Communication and Leadership

Communication remains one of the fundamental tasks that any leader in an organization must effectively perform for achieving success. Businesses rarely succeed because of individual efforts. Organizations performing exceptionally associate their success with either a strong group or an excellently functional workforce. At the center of functional teams, there are great leaders with strong communications skills. Re…

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