Ovarian hormones awaken newly discovered breast stem cells

Ovarian hormones awaken newly discovered breast stem cells

Researchers have used advanced cellular, bioinformatics and imaging technology to reveal a long-lived type of stem cell in the breast that is responsible for the growth of the mammary glands during pregnancy.

The newly discovered stem cells, which respond to the 'ovarian hormones' progesterone and oestrogen, may also be linked to a high-risk form of breast cancer.

The research was published in Nature Cell Biology.

The team had been able to build on their earlier discovery of breast stem cells, by defining subsets of stem cells with different functions.

"When we looked at the genes that were switched on in these stem cells, we could distinguish subsets of stem cells that differed in their expression of genes encoding two proteins called Tetraspanin8 and Lgr5," senior author said. "By looking at the levels of Tetraspanin8 and Lgr5 protein on the surface of the cells, we could divide the stem cells into three separate groups."

The team used advanced technologies including three-dimensional imaging to show that the three groups of stem cells are located in different parts of the breast and function differently.

"We focused particularly on one stem cell subtype that had the highest levels of Tetraspanin8 and Lgr5 protein, which were located in the 'proximal' region of the breast around the nipple," senior author said.

These stem cells were normally dormant - sitting quietly and not dividing - and remained in the proximal region throughout life. "However, when they were exposed to the hormones progesterone and oestrogen these cells awakened and could rapidly give rise to new breast cells," another author said.

The research also revealed that the stem cells with high levels of Tetraspanin8 and Lgr5 protein had many similarities to a subtype of 'triple negative' breast cancers known as claudin-low cancers.
"Compared to other types of breast cancer, claudin-low cancers have a high chance of recurrence after treatment, leading to a poor prognosis for patients" senior author said.



