Online Vegetable Market

Veg Market The idea is to make the current vegetable markets online and make convenient to both buyers and sellers. Even farmers can participate in this. This will help in reducing the complexity of transactions involved and also to improve the quality. It will indirectly help everyone to estimate the amount of vegetables needed for the day and hence will help in better planning. The users can place the order at their convenience.

User Module
  • Register: User Should Register Account.
  • Login : User can login the account and access the website
  • Purchase request: User can purchase a vegetables.
  • Search : User can search a vegetables per shops
  • Find shop: User can find a shop to purchase vegetables.
  • Add to cart : user can 
Admin Module.
  • Login 
  • Manage Profile
  • Manage shops
  • Sales Reports
Shop Owners
  • Shop Registration
  • Manage Purchase Request
  • Login
  • Update Vegetables
  • Transaction Manage

