An excitatory neural circuit for descending inhibition of itch processing

An excitatory neural circuit for descending inhibition of itch processing

Uncontrolled and persistent itch from external agents severely influences the quality of life of patients. The central neural mechanisms underlying itch processing, especially descending inhibition of itch, are not clearly understood.

The researchers find an excitatory neural circuit about pruritus suppression.  The authors demonstrate that an excitatory descending neural circuit from rostral anterior cingulate cortex pyramidal (rACCPy) neurons to periaqueductal gray GABAergic (PAGGABA) neurons plays a key role in the inhibition of itch.

Activation of this neural circuit significantly inhibits the itch-scratch cycle, while inhibition of the circuit enhances itch processing.

The work deepens our understanding of the descending regulation of itch.