Brain-adipose tissue cross talk

Brain-adipose tissue cross talk

Cross signaling between brain and adipose tissue regulates various metabolic functions. 

Brain through hypothalamus modulates white (WAT) and brown (BAT) adipose tissue thereby controls  appetite, energy expenditure, glucose, and lipid metabolism.

The researchers in this review describe the  roles of sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation in regulating WAT and BAT activities, such as lipolysis and thermogenesis and adipose tissue, in turn, through secretion of hormones influence brain function and metabolic health.

They also describe the communication pathways, including extracellular vesicles and neuro-mesenchymal units, which add new layers of regulation and complexity to the brain–adipose tissue interaction.

The authors summarize how disruption in  communication between the brain and adipose tissue may lead to metabolic disorders like obesity and type-2 diabetes, and possible new therapeutic strategies to improve metabolic health.