Hippocampal astrocytes induce sex-dimorphic effects on memory

Hippocampal astrocytes induce sex-dimorphic effects on memory

It is not known if the effects of astrocytic receptors are dependent on sex. The researchers identify sex-dependent effects of glial receptors on neurocognitive function.

Changes in mGluR3 levels or activation of Gi/ocoupled or Gs-coupled receptors in adult hippocampal astrocytes had divergent effects on memory across sexes.

The researchers show that reductions in metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 (mGluR3), the main astrocytic glutamate receptor in adults, impair memory in females but enhance memory in males. Similarly, increases in astrocytic mGluR3 levels have sex-dependent effects and enhance memory in females.

mGluR3 manipulations also alter spatial search strategies during recall in a sex-specific manner.

In addition, acute chemogenetic stimulation of Gi/o-coupled or Gs-coupled receptors in hippocampal astrocytes induces bidirectional and sex-dimorphic effects on memory.

These results suggest that astrocytic receptors promote sex differences in behavior.

