Cannabidiol polypharmacology in neuropsychiatric disorders

Cannabidiol polypharmacology in neuropsychiatric disorders

Recent cellular and rodent studies highlight that cannabidiol (CBD), the main non-intoxicating cannabinoid in cannabis, has multifaceted mechanisms of action in the brain, encompassing multiple molecular targets and resulting in a range of potential beneficial effects on brain function and behavior. 

The promising preclinical findings, combined with preliminary clinical reports of CBD’s efficacy in patients with various psychiatric conditions, have encouraged recent randomized controlled trials to more thoroughly assess its therapeutic potential in psychiatric disorders, including substance-use disorder, anxiety, psychoses, and autism spectrum disorder.

While CBD is generally well tolerated and shows promise for treating neuropsychiatric conditions, current clinical evidence has limitations, requiring well designed, properly powered controlled trials to address data gaps and optimize its benefits for patients with neuropsychiatric disorders.