Stimulating hippocampal neurogenesis to treat stroke!

Stimulating hippocampal neurogenesis to treat stroke!

Stroke recovery is challenging as the cellular  mechanisms involved in the tissue damage post-stoke is completely not clear.

The researchers use the 5xFAD mouse model to show that cerebral amyloid angiopathy impairs stroke recovery by disrupting the interaction between blood brain barrier (BBB) endothelial cells and hippocampal neural progenitor cells (NPCs).

The authors show that changes in the BBB reduce blood flow and reperfusion capability in the 5xFAD genotype and PI3K pathway is disrupted in endothelial cells and hippocampal NPCs.

Mechanistically, they demonstrate that reactivating the PI3K/ CREB pathway stimulates adult neurogenesis, suggesting potential therapeutic strategies to enhance tissue recovery post stroke.