How TrkC-PTPσ complex governs synapse maturation and anxiogenic avoidance

Interaction between neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) receptor TrkC and phosphatase PTPσ creates an excitatory synaptic organizing complex. Analysis of a new knock-in (KI) mouse model with disrupted TrkC binding to PTPσ, but not to NT-3, reveals the in vivo roles of the TrkC-PTPσ complex in synapse maturation and brain function.
The researchers show that selective loss of TrkC-PTPσ interaction in mice causes abnormal synaptic vesicle clustering and elongation of the postsynaptic density in excitatory synapses.
It also results in mice with more silent and fewer active synapses, the latter displaying enhanced basal synaptic transmission and impaired release probability.
The authors show that the TrkC-PTPσ complex targets a specific set of synaptic proteins for phosphorylation, independent of canonical neurotrophin signaling pathways.
TrkC KI mice display specific behavioral abnormalities, including social abnormalities and increased avoidance behavior in unfamiliar anxiogenic conditions.