Neural precursor cells rescue symptoms of Rett syndrome!

Neural precursor cells rescue symptoms of Rett syndrome!

To address the unmet need for a cure for RTT, the therapeutic potential of adult Neural Precursor Cells (NPCs) was investigated in vitro on Mecp2 deficient neurons and in vivo in transplanted Mecp2 deficient mice.

The researchers show that NPC-secreted molecules rescue typical phenotypes of Mecp2 deficient neurons in culture and do not require Mecp2 to exert their beneficial effects.

Intracerebral transplantation of NPCs prolongs the lifespan of Mecp2 null mice and restores their memory and motor functions via the activation of the IFNγ pathway as a possible mechanism of action.

IFNγ treatment of Mecp2 deficient animals and neurons confirms the therapeutic efficacy of the cytokine for RTT.