Brain bilateral asymmetry

Brain bilateral asymmetry

Stereotyped brain asymmetry, also known as laterality, is widespread and multiscale, encompassing asymmetrical molecular function, left–right (LR) asymmetrical neurons or circuits, structural differences, and lateralized behaviors.

Brain laterality can modulate a wide variety of behaviors and cognitive functions, including sleep, memory, food preference, fear, and anxiety.

Long-term memory is among the most evolutionary conserved cognitive traits influenced by brain lateralization.

 The mechanisms and molecular pathways governing brain laterality vary widely among model organisms. The current limited understanding of the diversity of asymmetries hinders the definition of common principles and conserved symmetry-breaking mechanisms.

The concordance between body and brain LR asymmetry can be strong, partial, or completely absent, raising questions about the emergence and coordination of asymmetry between the brain and body.,-zebrafish,-and-Drosophila